5 Myths About Breast Augmentation – Busted!

/5 Myths About Breast Augmentation – Busted!

5 Myths About Breast Augmentation – Busted!

Myth #1: I will look like my favorite movie star after my breast augmentation surgery.

While women can use pictures to show the surgeon her desired results, each woman will have differing post-surgical breast appearances. A talented plastic surgeon can give women the breasts that they truly desire and that look real.

Myth #2: My breast augmentation before and after appearances do not matter.

Every women has unique breasts that differ from side to side and other women. A skilled plastic surgeon determines a woman’s pre-surgical breast size, appearance and shape to more accurately predict what the post-surgical result will be. Most surgeons take breast augmentation pictures that are proof of their artistic surgical work. Women should ask if the chosen surgeon has these types of pictures that can show before and after appearances of the breasts.

Myth #3: Any surgeon can perform a breast augmentation that looks completely natural.

Only a very skilled and experienced plastic surgeon can get the natural breast augmentation results that most ladies prefer following a breast implant surgery. The implant might be placed under or over the chest wall muscle tissue to get the breast fullness, look and shape that the particular woman has indicated she desires. There are pros and cons of implant size, type, design and surgical implantation site that the surgeon will discuss with each patient at her consultation appointment.

Myth #4: My breast augmentation recovery period will be horrible.

There are specific techniques that a reputable, skilled and trained surgeon can use to lower postoperative breast augmentation recovery issues common after this kind of procedure. Most plastic surgeons use precise measurements to determine their surgical methods. Some women never see bruising or swelling during the recovery phase, while others may experience slight indications of both. Your surgeon will provide postoperative medication and instructions to minimize any possible short-term issues sometimes seen during the approximate two weeks of breast augmentation recovery time period.

Myth #5: There is only one best way to achieve natural and spectacular breast implant results.

Miami women often are confused regarding the specifics of a breast implant procedure. Dr. Polo offers several surgical methods that are determined by a variety of patient and surgeon indicators and preferences.

Prospective patients can access and view breast augmentation pictures and details. Call 305-595-2969 to schedule your consultation today!

By |2018-11-12T05:57:16-05:00March 12th, 2018|Breast Augmentation|Comments Off on 5 Myths About Breast Augmentation – Busted!