What Are the Expected Results of a Tummy Tuck?

/What Are the Expected Results of a Tummy Tuck?

What Are the Expected Results of a Tummy Tuck?

Many individuals would like a trimmer physique and flatter abdomens. Today, people can get a sleeker silhouette with flattened and smoothed abdomens that include tightened and firmer skin. Prospective patients can see tummy tuck before and after Miami plastic surgery photographs taken to document the almost miraculous figure flattering results. These abdominal slimming cosmetic procedures should not be used as the only way to achieving hard-to-get-rid-of abdominal fat rolls and stubborn fatty pockets. View our Tummy tuck Before and After Miami photos and see if this is the right procedure for you!

What are the Average Tummy Tuck Costs?

The costs of any cosmetic procedure should be weighed to include the many benefits. While some areas of the country generally have higher elective cosmetic treatment costs, the average costs of a tummy tuck in the Miami area are approximately $3,500 to around $5,000. Some major insurances will pay for this procedure if it is a full tummy tuck abdominoplasty recommended by a plastic surgeon for specific situations. This generally includes a midline umbilical hernia that commonly occurs following pregnancy. This hernia can also be hereditary, and one could develop following strenuous activity that puts excessive pressure on the vulnerable abdominal muscles. Prices do vary, and many top area plastic surgery practice’s offer financial assistance options.

How Long Does it Take to Heal After a Tummy Tuck?

The healing time depends on whether the surgery was a mini tummy tuck or if it was a full tummy tuck involving the underlying muscles. Mini tucks are typically performed in an outpatient setting. Some are able to be done in a plastic surgery clinic designed to care for post surgical patients. At times, the patient will need an overnight nurse for the first night following surgery. There will be limitations on lifting especially lifting that stretches the abdominal area. Patients could have one or more drains and possibly a convenient pain pump to be used for the first couple of days.

Tummy tuck Before and After Miami Photos Available For You!

It is common for patients to experience some bruising at and near the surgical sites. Some swelling is normal at first, and follow-up visits will be scheduled. Patients can expect to be taking it easy for about two weeks after their procedure. Care should still be taken until the abdomen completely heals. Your chosen plastic surgeon will explain all post operative instructions and expected recovery timelines at your initial tummy tuck consultation. Visit our site to view Tummy tuck Before and After Miami pictures and more.

By |2018-11-12T05:36:46-05:00June 13th, 2018|Tummy Tuck|Comments Off on What Are the Expected Results of a Tummy Tuck?