Abdominoplasty surgeries are becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for both men and women. Commonly, women that have had one or more children often have a hard time afterwards trying eliminate those pesky and stubborn leftover fat bulges. An abdominoplasty would be the easiest and best resolution. This cosmetic procedure should never be used in place of eating healthy, regular exercise routines and other healthy lifestyle choices. The Abdominoplasty Miami FL procedure can shed those unwanted abdominal fat pockets while also toning the abdominal area and excising loose skin.
Good Candidates to Undergo a Typical Abdominoplasty Miami FL Operation
A qualified plastic surgeon can perform either a full abdominoplasty, or they can elect to perform a less invasive mini tummy tuck. The mini version is best for individuals that are close to their ideal weight and have loose skin lower on the abdomen. If there is a question of abdominal muscle separation, the surgeon will likely recommend a full abdominoplasty that can address the underlying muscles in the abdomen that can get stretched out of shape by pregnancies, significant weight gains and genetic components. Anyone wanting this procedure should have realistic expectations in order to appreciate the actual end results.
Can an Abdominoplasty Get Rid of Stretch Marks Lower Just Above the Pubic Area?
A plastic surgeon seeks to return the abdomen to its initial toned and elastic shape. Stretch Marks that develop on the lower portion of the abdomen like above the pubic region can often be removed when the skin is stretched down and trimmed away before suturing back into place. Stretch Marks seen above the belly button will benefit from a full abdominoplasty rather than just a mini tummy tuck. There are other cosmetic treatments that work on scarred skin and stretchmarks that could be used if these marks cannot be resolved in the other way.
What to Look for in a Plastic Surgeon for Successful Results
Always choose a board certified plastic surgeon that has had years of performing this kind of procedure. Any cosmetic surgery requires advanced surgical skills and techniques that lessen suture scars, bruising and swelling. Pick a local surgeon that has a terrific reputation and can show satisfied patient reviews. An adept surgeon skilled in cosmetic procedures has the necessary background and precise surgical skills needed for a favorable and satisfactory end result. Contact Miami Plastic Surgery to set up Abdominoplasty Miami FL consultation with Dr. Max Polo today!